We have a feature in our admin that is under our navbar tab in the Media Library panel.
It allows a customer to contact you about licensing or buying an image.
It looks like this on the navbar and when pressed creates a form with the image that is emailed to you.
to enable this feature go to your Media library/navbar panel and add a navbar item: inquiry button
There are a couple of adjustments to the form available to you:
1. You can set the email address where the form goes in the ADMIN under ACCOUNT and General Email.
2. You can Change the Headline and Subhead on the form that appears when you press the Inquiry button in the ADMIN under ACCOUNT and Inquiry Title and Inquiry Info.
3. You can adjust the color of the Inquiry Form background, transparency, font family, font size, and font color in the ADMIN under DESIGNS then DESKTOP LAYOUT then OVERLAY.
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