Our standard image prep guide and image specifications can be found here.
If you prefer to use Lightroom Classic instead of Photoshop, here are our suggestions:
Step 1: Select "Import..." to begin
Step 2: Browse and select folders or images to import then select "Import"
Step 3: After the images are imported, you can make color adjustments or simply proceed with exporting to resize the images
Step 4: use any export location you want on your computer, I like my resized images in a subfolder of the original files.
IMPORTANT: If you are replacing images on your site (after adjusting color etc.), you MUST rename the image filename to see the updated image(s) or wait up to 72 hours. Your site uses a state of the art CDN (Content Delivery Network) with over 230 edge nodes (servers) around the world to deliver images lightning fast. Your image filenames are cached in all these locations once uploaded. Step 5: Image format is jpeg, color space should be sRGB, and make sure "Don't Enlarge" is checked. Our normal image suggestions are 1860x1140px, but you can adjust the resolution or dimensions to fit your needs. We typically suggest keeping the file sizes in the 550 - 875kb range, but you can use larger files. Keep in mind that the larger the file size, the slower the image will load on slow internet connections. Finally, select "Export" to resize & save the images.
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