Is your link not working for a web gallery that you are trying to send to a client?
If you're using Adobe Lightroom/Lightroom CC to export your web gallery to your PhotoFolio FTP Server, using the FTP login credentials that our Support Team sent to you, please check the following:
- Make sure that your "Server" field in Lightroom is empty before you upload/export
- Then export the folder/gallery or file up to the FTP Server, from Lightroom
- When sending your web gallery links to your clients, simply append the filename or folder name to the end of your domain name.
For example:
NOTE: The links you send out to clients are case-sensitive and will need to match character-for-character the same way you spelled it on the folder name or filename in order for the link to work for the client. Using underscore characters "_" instead of spaces in your Web Gallery Naming, will help the client successfully click the link that you send in an email, without the link breaking up.
This FTP access is for legacy sites only. We now offer High Res file delivery built into our websites:
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