Gap Settings in Photofolio: Customize Your Thumbnail Spacing
Photofolio offers precise control over the space between your thumbnails. Here's how our gap settings work:
1. Gap
Description: This setting determines the space between thumbnails, both horizontally and vertically. You can define this space in pixels (px) or percentages (%), allowing for flexible spacing based on your design preferences.
2. Gap Vertical
Description: If you wish to have distinct spacing vertically between thumbnails, this setting is for you. Just like the general gap setting, you can define this vertical space in pixels (px) or percentages (%).
Visual Example:
Margin Settings in Photofolio: Fine-tuning Your Gallery Aesthetics
To ensure your gallery has the perfect framing and breathing space, Photofolio offers detailed control over the margins of your content. Here's a breakdown:
1. Horizontal Margin
Description: This setting adjusts the margin on both the left and right sides of your gallery. Whether you're looking to create a centered feel or just want some buffer space on the sides, you can define the horizontal margin in pixels (px) or percentages (%).
Visual Example:
2. Vertical Margin
Description: This is your go-to setting for adjusting the space at the top and bottom of your gallery. Like the horizontal margin, you can set this vertical margin in either pixels (px) or percentages (%), allowing for consistent design spacing vertically.
Note: for Vertical-masonry, % based gaps are better for fixed column layouts.
Visual Example:
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