Do you want to create a single Max Scroll Gallery like the one bellow?
Here are the steps:
1. Create a new gallery with 2 sub-galleries.
2. After you create the header gallery, set the gallery (DX GALLERY in this case) to INDEX GALLERY and HIDE SUBS FROM MENU - ON
3. Set your first sub-gallery (in this case Landing Slideshow) to SLIDESHOW under settings.
You can then adjust the scale-type and other settings under SLIDESHOW OVERRIDES.
4. Adjust your thumbs page (in this case Thumbnail Gallery) however you would like:
5. Copy the URL of your landing page (in this case /DX-Gallery/Landing-Slideshow/1) and add a link to it in your gallery.
6. Last step:
Make sure to hide the galleries you don't want involved in the Max Scroll portion of your site by turn the HIDE FROM MAX SCROLL button `ON` for the rest of the non-Max Scroll galleries.
You should be all set from here.
Feel free to reach out to us at support is you have any issues.
Happy Scrolling!
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