Here's how you setup a Blog or News Page for your site.
1. Open the MEDIA LIBRARY. Create a menu item called News or Blog or whatever you want to call it.
2. Open the ACCOUNT panel in the admin and under the SITE DISPLAY tab you will see a section called BLOG FEED. Select the page you just created.
NOTE: Doing this adds an xml feed for search engines and reverses the numbering on direct url links (e.g. so each time you add a news item it doesn't change the url to previous items.
3. In the MEDIA LIBRARY, double click the page and open IMAGES & VIDEO OVERRIDES. Change the TRANSITION TYPE to "vertical scroll".
4. Add text pages with headlines, images and videos embedded (using our new HTML visual editor) OR add a text page and then images underneath and another text page followed by an image. Each new page you add will go to the top automatically.
NOTE: You need to turn on Unified Page Scrolling so images and text are all on one long page. Go Under DESIGNS then DESKTOP LAYOUT then WEBSITE CONTAINER and turn it ON.
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