You will need to wait until your new site is visible to complete the final step in the setup guide.
1. Once your domain is "live" on Dx-Cloud you can visit Google Apps or Google Webmaster Tools to verify you own the domain.
2. Choose the Upload HTML file method under Choose a different method if it's not showing.
3. Download the HTML Verification File to your computer.
4. In your Dx-Cloud website open the admin and the ACCOUNT panel then SEO tab. Upload the file to Google Site Verification.
5. If you are pointing your Domain Nameservers to PhotoFolio as in this step: Your MX Records will be set and you can finish verification.
Finally, you will want to setup email for your computers and phones. Generally, you can do that by launching the email program you use on the device and following setup instructions.
If you need help go here:
Note: Keep in mind you can always access your email online by going to:
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